Saturday, November 8, 2008

73 Days..

So while perusing the television today, as I often do, I came across a news segment about a new government website called  As the word "change" is so synonymous with Senator Obama, one might think that this has do deal with our new president-elect.  And they would be right. is a website that was created and put up after Senator Obama was elected, to help the citizens understand the transition to the presidency.  On the website, it details what Obama will do when he gets in to office, and what changes he will seek to make in our country.
Some tabs include:  "Learn", "Agenda", "American Moment", "America Serves".  There is a special place, where anyone can submit idea's of how to implement these changes.  There is a looming countdown clock until Inauguration Day (Bush's last day!!). There is even a job application for a position within the Obama-Biden administration.  If that's not government for the people I don't know what is.  What do you think??   Political ploy, or a step in the right direction?


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