Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Song of the Week: Little Wing

Ok people, in honor of Jimi's birthday tomorrow, this is one of my favorite songs by one of the best guitarists in the history of the instrument. This is a live version from Royal Albert Hall, and my favorite version of the song. The style of play, with his many phrases lacing through the brilliant chords, makes for an incredible sonic experience. Happy Birthday Jimi. RIP. Plug in headphones for this one folks. Close your eyes. And enjoy.

Happy Turkey Day.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Secretary of State Clinton

 Okay so for all you die hard Hillary fans, good news is on the horizon.  She has reportedly accepted President-elect Barack Obama's nomination to the Secretary of State.  An excellent choice I might add.  I was hoping, to be honest, that he chose her as his running mate.  I feel like that would have been an unbeatable ticket.  However, with them working together, I feel more at ease.  Clinton is back in the White House.  This is a wise choice, in my humble opinion, by Obama.  She has a lot of experience to offer, and will make a good addition to the team.  Obama is, as promised, surrounding himself with knowledgeable people.  So here's to the latest addition!    A much wiser female choice than that of the GOP....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Song of the Week: Sweet Home Chicago

So this is the song for the week, by the Blues Brothers.   A great tune, originally by Robert Johnson.  If you've never seen the movie, I highly recommend it.  Really entertaining, funny and it has great music.  The blues is the roots of everything.  You've gotta love it.    Enjoy.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Goodbye Mitch, We'll Miss You

Let's take a moment out of our day, and mourn the passing of the last living member of the "Jimi Hendrix Experience." Mitch Mitchell died early Wednesday in his hotel room in Oregon. He was an incredible force in the Experience and is considered on of the best rock drummers. Rest in Peace Mr. Mitchell.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Song of the Week: The Who- Water (Live)

So this is what I'm listening to right now, and I think it's an excellent example of live rock.  As I am a nostalgic listener, it is The Who.  They are a prime example of a Rock n' Roll ensemble.  Roger Daltrey's throaty, visceral vocals; Keith Moon's jet engine-like, roaring drumming; John Entwhistle's thundering and innovative bass playing and Pete Townshend's brilliant compososition, and his rhythmic intense guitar playing.  They were one of the greatest live bands, and this a great example of their talent.

By the way, this is from Isle of Wight festival in 1970.  Another great version (the one I'm listening to) is on the deluxe edition of their album:  "Who's Next".  The second disc is a full concert from April of 1971.  Excellent CD.  The studio album is brilliant as well.  I highly recommend it. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Walmart: Your local record store??

AC/DC released their first album in 8 years on October 2oth.  However, "Black Ice" can only be found in Walmart's around the nation.  This reflects a growing trend of artists releasing new albums exclusively in certain retail outlets.  The Eagles did so a few years ago. Gun's and Roses will do so later this month, releasing "Chinese Democracy" to Best Buy.
Many people have issues with this kind of cross promotional deal, and proponent's always argue it brings the music to the people.  To me, this is just another depressing exposition of the business dominated music industry.  It is so apparent that this is just a ploy to get more CD sales, and create partnerships with huge corporations.  What about those of us who refuse to shop at the beast we call Walmart?  

Another question I ask, is will this lead to exclusive relationships between certain labels and these companies?  Is Walmart going to produce the next Jay-Z album?! What do you think?


Saturday, November 8, 2008

73 Days..

So while perusing the television today, as I often do, I came across a news segment about a new government website called  As the word "change" is so synonymous with Senator Obama, one might think that this has do deal with our new president-elect.  And they would be right. is a website that was created and put up after Senator Obama was elected, to help the citizens understand the transition to the presidency.  On the website, it details what Obama will do when he gets in to office, and what changes he will seek to make in our country.
Some tabs include:  "Learn", "Agenda", "American Moment", "America Serves".  There is a special place, where anyone can submit idea's of how to implement these changes.  There is a looming countdown clock until Inauguration Day (Bush's last day!!). There is even a job application for a position within the Obama-Biden administration.  If that's not government for the people I don't know what is.  What do you think??   Political ploy, or a step in the right direction?


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sorry Elvis

So I've added a player at the bottom, hope you all enjoy it.   For my first music post, I feel that I must correct a misunderstanding in the world of popular music.  Many people deem Elvis Presley as the "King of Rock and Roll", and this simply is not true.  This is not meant to diminish him, he was after all a great entertainer, but he was not the king.  Sorry chief.
Rock and Roll was the blending of country rhythms and themes with good old fashioned, roots blues.  The first guy to do this, thus claiming his throne, was Chuck Berry.  Whether you like what you hear or not, please listen people.  Everything you listen to now:  pop, rock, alternative, metal, r&b, rap, funk, and even jazz, it all comes from or is influenced by Chuck. He is the real king people, he started it all:

Note:  This is the first entry of a "song of the week" I'll post.     


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Two New Beginnings

Hey Everyone,
I feel like this is the best time of any to start a new blog.  With my new beginning, comes one for our country.  Our country has been ushered into a new era.  And although this may seem cliche say, it is an era of change.  
When the clock struck 11pm last night, I felt pride.  A pride that I hadn't felt in a very long time.   I can say for the first time, in a long time, that I'm proud of my country.  We all can breathe a sigh of relief.  The turmoil and heinousness that we call "W" is near an end.  As I watched President-elect Barack Obama give his victory speech, I heard the blaring horns, and jovial uproar that sounded so familiar.  Less than a week prior, I heard the same blissful chaos from Phillies fans.  

Whether you are Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Right wing, Left Wing, Upper East Wing, blue, red, or even fushcia, you can appreciate what happened last night.  
We are involved in history people, whether we like it or not.  So soak it up.  Take a bite.  Breathe it in.  

More to come...